Orange Peel Derrière?

When I tell you that I have been highly dedicated to finding the answer to rid myself of cellulite, I am by no means kidding. 
I did find it, but it costs $250/treatment and you need at least 12 treatments plus ongoing maintenance. Start up and maintenance cost for one year = $4500! I know that I have other things to buy with $4500 but I have thrown the idea around considering I hate cellulite that much. I decided to take all that negative energy and put it towards a cheaper way to manage the orange peel on my derrière.

I must tell you that I know for a fact, anything marketed on the internet or in the stores to reduce the appearance of  or rid you of your unsightly cellulite is a marketing gimmick. Anything that isnt natural has chemicals and may only slightly diminish the appearance of such. 

The magic ingredient in these products is caffeine, an only temporary effect. Caffeine  constricts blood vessels, making the skin appear tighter. If you are looking for a temporary fix (again, its not magic), take coffee grounds and rub it in a circular motion in affected areas, then rinse. I done this, but seriously, I am not doing this everyday! 

My main secret weapon -> cocoa butter! Of coarse avoiding high carb, high fat and processed foods along with exercise is pretty much "the cure". 

Yes, I have made a caffeine and cocoa butter concoction, but I typically stick with 2 particular products that I swear by. I have been using them for over 7 years. 

One of my other recommendations would be to use exfoliating gloves in the shower; get the lymph moving  in those areas. 

I use NOW Cocoa Butter Lotion every single morning and evening. 
$4.79 at Lucky Vitamin (click here to go to link)

I use NOW Cocoa Butter (100%  purse/raw form) whenever I actually have the time. The more dedicated you are, the better the results. You need to microwave this jar for 45 seconds to get it pliable enough to apply.
$5.35 at Lucky Vitamin (click here to go to link)