Whats the funny thing your drinking?


Oh, just the most awesome drink that man ever invented. Brain Toniq.

I had insomnia once for 3 days. It was a brutal cycle of caffeine to function during the day and staring wide eyes open at the ceiling at night. I was so tired I could not understand for the life of me why I couldnt sleep. Here's an idea, stop drinking coffee. Right, sure, then I function how at work?

After the beginning of the 4th day of no sleep, I had enough. I went over to the local co-op and searched diligently for an energy drink that didnt have caffeine. I had tried Ginseng in the past with no effect and a few others that pretty much left me hanging for that "here I am" burst of energy. I was desperate this day, but I needed to execute a real plan, NO CAFFEINE!

Here it sits, in a cooler next to my oh so favorite devil drink, Red Bull. Could this be true, this drink will help me focus? I saw that it had DMEA in it, an ingredient that has a positive influence on mood, which I had recently researched, so this was something I was ready to try.

Within 1 hour of drinking brain toniq, I was ready to roll but it wasnt like something "kicked in". It was a very natural feeling of  "om". I felt like I took an anti-anxiety pill without the sedative effect, my eyelids weren't carrying 5 lb weights and I could focus. Holy crap, this drink works. I worked an hour overtime happily and then went to the gym for 35 minutes thereafter. When I got home, I took a shower and passed out til the next day.

I always keep brain toniq in my refrigerator just in case.

Place to purchase: Green Grocer    Route 9, Clifton Park
Cost: $2.59 and peace of mind!

Click here to go to read more about Brain TonIQ!

braintoniq ingredients