A staple of living: Black Soap

You are what you put on your body.........
I clearly remember the day that I decided that I had to change the personal care products I was using. I got out of the shower feeling like I had a film of chemicals on my body. I thought to myself, "this isnt very hippie like". My goal at that point was to find something natural, from the earth and something that really suited my skin type, mega oily. My aesthetician had been telling me for months that I need to add oil to oily skin. I thought she was crazy! I started doing research about what was in beauty products and made a list of all the ingredients I didnt want to put on my skin. I went into my bathroom with a plastic bag expecting to toss out a few things. To my surprise I needed a 10 gallon garbage bag. Nothing that I was putting on my body was fit to code. I guess you can call this my birthday to obsessing over natural products.

Anyhow...........Black Soap. At the time I wanted to start using black soap, I had severe cystic acne, more than likely hormonal. I was so afraid that changing products that I took off a Thursday and Friday to extend a weekend just in case things didnt go so well. After using this product for a few weeks, my coworkers started giving me compliments that my skin was glowing; my acne had also cleared up and I stopped wearing makeup!

Dr. Woods Pure Black Soap all natural and eco-friendly for all skin types. It helps clear skin blemishes and also prevents premature facial lines (this makes it double awesome).

Click here to shop for Dr. Woods Black Soap


Christina said...

Black soap can now be purchased at most Price Chopper's in the natural food section.